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Sunday 22 April 2012

Hair colours for every where

 People tend to change the natural colours of their hairs. Gone are the days when women reached for the bottled hair colour just to cover their grey. Adding a colour can add an edge to an otherwise boring hairstyle. Many of us know how devastating it can be when a new colour goes wrong as fun as a new hair colour is. Knowledge is the key to ensuring that your new hair colour dazzles rather than devastates.
If you have purchased a hair color from your local pharmacy you may be in for a big surprise. The color shown has been applied to the similar color of the banana. You may end up with a much darker shade than you have chosen though it’s permed, relaxed or highlighted hair will absorb hair color very quickly. That’s how hard it is to choose and to blend the colors before applying it and you might need the best beauty tips out there.
Another homemade hair dye and beauty hair tips, can be created using walnut husks and water. Simply boil the husks in water for about 15 minutes to make this dye. Strain the mixture and use the liquid to color your hair after boiling. There are tons of homemade hair dye recipes to be found on the Internet. While others are meant to provide a completely different look, keep in mind that some recipes are meant to enhance your natural hair color or cover grey hair. Giving you freedom from toxic hair chemicals, you need to take the time to perform a bit of research and you’re sure to find a homemade hair dye recipe that is right for your hair.
The concern seems to be unfounded by many studies have been done to determine the relationship between the use of hair dyes and cancer. Although these cases constituted only a small percentage of hair color users, some research published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute did suggest that prolonged use of black hair dye 20 years or more did seem to raise the occurrence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple myeloma according to some hair products guide.
Most of the times you may actually run out of ideas when it comes to hairstyle highlights while there are many techniques available. Confused as to which are the colors that would match your hair in the first place, you may be tearing your hair in despair. You should not go 2-3 shades lighter than your natural hair color when it comes to highlights if you are someone who is looking for a highlight for dark hair. It would look good on you if you can try out tones of red or a blend of gold and copper. A professional hair stylist may be able to guide you through all these aspects. You can get a fair idea as to which is the colors that would suit you if you can also try browsing through virtual hairstyle websites.
Without thinking, you find yourself checking out the woman walking by whose hair catches the light in a way that makes it look gorgeous. That’s what highlight envy is. Highlights can be tricky and require careful attention to your hair’s shade and tone but unlike a simple color change. The amount of time the chemicals stay on and the numbers of highlights you want are the important factors to have successful highlights also depend on your hair’s health and texture.

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