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Friday, 23 March 2012

Best home made toner for all skin types

Here you would be able to find solution for your toners.
Sump those over the counter toners containing chemicals and preservatives.
Now you will choose what you want in your toner.
For Dry Skin:
Take some mint leaves around 20-30 leaves, boil it in 250 ml water and add 3-4 tsp of alum. Keep in fridge its refreshing.
For Oily Skin:
Take one egg white and beat it till smooth. Add 1tsp honey and 1tsp lemon. Beat once again so everything should be mixed well. Apply on face and wash after 10 mins.
For Normal skin:
Grate cucumber and take out its juice. Now add 10 tsp cucumber juice in a cup of curd, mix well and apply on face. Keep it for 10 mins and wash with cold water.
The remaining mixture can be stored in fridge for 3-4 days or for 2 weeks in a freezer.
If you want it for one application just mix half spoon of cucumber juice in 1 spoon curd.
For all Skin Types:
Watermelon juice is also used as a toner. Just cut some water melon pulp, puree it in a mixer/ blender and strain the juice. Discard the solid n seeds.
Apply this juice with cotton wool, you can wash it after 10 minutes.
Juice can be preserved in fridge for 3 days or in a freezer for a week.
You can also add some honey in water melon juice if you want. Honey would provide extra moisture to your skin.

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